









Download Constitution 2023



Download By-Laws 2023

1. Membership Fees

1. Membership Fees (Annual)
1.1  Membership Fee: Full Member $100.00 (Includes GolfWA, Golf Link, Eclectic and Hole-In-One fees)

1.2  Membership Fee:            Casual Member                                                  $25.00
            (Must have a Golf Link Card, and is eligibleto play by invitation or request)

The season runs from January 1 to December 31 each year, Members pay the full amount by February; new members after 30 June may only pay the fee for the remaining months ($10 per month) but will not be included in eclectic competition.

            Note: Life members will pay half the Membership Fee set for that year

Competition Fee: Set by the Captain per Competition Day
There will be 6 novelties for each competition day @ 1/6th of the prize pool
(Maximum $10)

1.2 Prize Breakdown:
1.3 Prize Breakdown
Competition Fee & Novelties: Set by the Treasurer per Competition Day
There may be up to six (6) novelties for each competition day, however
(Competition & novelty prizes will be determined by the treasurer, dependent upon the numbers attending)
 (Maximum $10 per novelty)

1.4            Individual Competition/Monthly Medal/Trophy Days.


1.5            Match play
$4.00 per round (payable to the winner)

1.6 Hole-in-One Competition
A Hole-in-One achieved by a Club member at any Club fixture or official GolfWA event will be awarded the prize of $200. The club will replace the prize pool, if there is more than one winner each season.

1.7            Eclectic
Is included on all regular club rounds (excluding away games, novelty and some combination rounds). Played during February 1st to December 31st.
A prize of $50 is awarded to each of the winners of A Grade, B Grade and C Grade, a trophy or prize may also be issued.

Note: Any moneys remaining after competition day prizes have been awarded will be incorporated as general revenue and will be used to provide trophies and fund the end of season dinner & presentation night.

2. Competitions

2.1 Club Championships
         To be played on Monthly Medal days, over five rounds,
         March, April, May, June and July. Best three net score cards to count.

Champion will be declared for

2.2 Monthly Medal - Stroke
         (Each month January to December - may include Club Championship)
          Stroke play - 12 winners, each to receive a medal or special day prize.

Monthly Memorial Medal Trophy Days

January Monthly Memorial Medal

Wayne Reid (3/1/2010) Medal

May Monthly Memorial Medal

Keith Rimmer (31/5/2006) Medal

June Monthly Memorial Medal

Peter Osborne (30/6/2009) Medal

October Monthly Memorial Medal

Richard Kuzimski  (4/10/2016) Medal


2.3 Champion of Champion's Cup.
Played on the January Monthly Medal Stroke day  -
Normal Monthly Medal rules apply.
The previous 12 Monthly Medal winners (January - December) are the only players entitled to compete for the Champion of Champion's Cup (plus the previous years Champion of Champion's Cup winner who is entitled to defend the cup).          (Possibly 13 players).
The Champion of Champion's Cup winner will have the best score of all 13 eligible players.

The Monthly Medal for January is played in conjunction with the Champion of Champion's Cup and is open to all members playing on that day so any member can win the January Monthly Medal. A Prize will be awarded for the Monthly Medal Winner and for the Champion of Champion's Cup Winner.

The winner of the January Monthly Medal will be eligible to play in the next Champion of Champion's Cup.

2.4. Away Games (Touring Pro Award)
Usually one away game is played each month, at least Nine (9) away games are scheduled each season, to be played as individual Stableford; winners play for normal prizes, unless a specific trophy has been nominated.
Touring Pro Award
The best-performed player (best averaged four (4) rounds) in the away games will receive a gift.  Has been donated in the past.

2.5 Four Club Stableford (Ken Dalais Trophy)
Use four clubs only

2.6 Par Champion (Richard Kuzimski Record Trophy)
The best-performed player (best averaged three (3) Par rounds) will receive The Richard Kuzimski Memorial Trophy. Richard Kuzimski (5 handicap) scored a magnificent plus 11 Par round on the 15th August 2015 with a Gross Stroke Score of 65 a club record.

2.7 Eclectic
Is included on all regular club rounds (excluding away games, novelty and some combination rounds). Played during January 1st to December 31st.
Prizes are awarded in grade order based on the member's final Eclectic score divided by the member’s average handicap for that season (Lowest to Highest). Three grade winners are available:  A Grade, B Grade and C Grade. (Players moving i.e. from C Grade to B Grade etc. will play in the grade level as at December 31st of each year).

2.8 Golden Balls
The best-performed (improved) player based on the improvement in handicap for the year.
Note:  Not open to new members joining after April 1st that year, because the initial handicap will require an adjustment after eight (8) games played or because of Golf Link handicap adjustments that require twenty (20) games applied to determine a correct handicap.

2.9 Club Member of The Year
Nominated by the Members votes, the trophy is presented to the club member whom has made outstanding contribution to the club or social club during the year.

2.10 Life Member
Nominated by the Members, Life Members pay 50% of the scheduled membership fees, and have full member rights.

2.11 Novelties
When playing in team events, each player is entitled to play for the novelties regardless whose ball has been selected to play.
For Example; Player "A" has used only 6 drives and needs one more at the 18th hole. Player "B" is entitled to play a shot to attempt to get nearest the pin.

3. Tours

3.1 Country Trip
       Played usually Stableford for the Saturday round (handicapped for Golf Link) and Sunday to be arranged by the Captain.  
(Handicap to stay the same for the two or three rounds)
Note: This event is to be financed by the players and the club will not fund any prizes and associated costs.

3.2 International/Interstate Trip

       Played as arranged over participating days. (Not handicapped for Golf Link).
Note: This event is to be financed and organised by the players and all travel, insurance and accommodation expenses, prizes and associated costs will not be funded by the club.

4 Handicap

4.1 Handicap - Golf Link
To obtain a Scuds Golf Link handicap you must submit three 18-hole stroke cards at Whaleback Golf Course, which must be marked and signed by a SCUDS member. 
Note: An official Australian (Golf Australia) handicap can only be issued by golf clubs that are affiliated with a State Association that is a member of Golf Australia, which in Western Australia is Golf WA.
Once you have forwarded your three (3) cards to our handicapper, the committee and handicapper will then meet to determine your handicap and you be allocated your official Scuds Golf Link handicap and issued with a Scuds Golf Link Card. Maximum playing handicap is 36

If you already have a Golf Link Card that handicap will be used once you join SCUDS Social Golf Club Inc. and pay the appropriate fees due, and a new SCUDS Golf Link card will be issued.

5. Game Booking Procedures
To play a round of golf with the Scuds Social Golf Club at Whaleback Golf
Course the following procedures apply
Pay the green fees as per booking procedures in advance to the Club Treasurer or his delegate, or:
* Pay at the Golf Course on or before Wednesday, or,
* After Wednesday, ring the Golf Course and make a verbal booking
       (only accepted if there is room), then;
* Ring and advise the Club Captain.
Failure to observe the above procedures may result in not being able to play on the day.

* All home games are arranged by the Club Captain.
* All away games are arranged by the Handicapper
* Special games are arranged by the Club Secretary

6. Golf Competitions

Ambrose Competition (No eclectic)
This event can be played as a two, three or four-person event, although the four-person event is the most popular. Each player plays a tee shot at each hole.  The Captain then selects the best drive, which is then marked by its owner.  The other members retrieve their balls and in turn place their ball on the fairway (the width of a golf card (approximately 30cm), no nearer the hole, or if in the rough, drop in the rough within the width of a golf card of the selected position (no nearer the hole) and play their second shots. 
If in a bunker smooth and place. This procedure of selecting the best position continues until a ball is holed.  When on the green, balls are placed on the selected marked spot.

This event can be played as a gross event, the Club Captain will determine the number of drives per team, with each group having a spread of handicaps, or as a handicap event where a fraction of the aggregate handicaps is used.  The most common method of determining handicap is:


Canadian pairs (No eclectic)
Match play game for teams of two where both partners drive and they choose the best drive and then play alternate shots for the rest of hole as in foursomes. See Ambrose re: (Fairway, rough and bunker rules apply).

Par (Bogey) competition challenges players to beat their own handicap par. If players better their par, they score a '+' (plus) for the hole. If players equal their own par, they are said to have halved or squared the hole which is scored with an '0". If par is not achieved, a '-' (minus) sign is recorded. At the end of the round the plus and minus signs are added and the net result written in as so many 'up', 'down' or 'all square'. The person with the highest plus score is the winner.

A player is allowed their full stroke handicap and the strokes are taken at holes as indicated by the course index on the card.

Par Bisque (No eclectic)
As in "par" but handicap strokes may be taken as a player decides, up to the maximum of his handicap. The decision about the number of handicap strokes to take and the resultant score is made at the end of each hole and before play on the next hole is commenced.

Stableford involves scoring points based on results at each hole. Using the index for each hole, players are able to make a mental allocation of their full handicap for each of the 18 holes.  For example, a player on a handicap of 18 will add one shot to the par value of each hole to determine their own par for the hole. Thus a hole rated as a par 4 becomes a par 5 for the player.

The points scoring method is then calculated by allocating two points for a par, one point for one over, three points for one under, four points for two under, and so on. For example, a player receiving a stroke on a par 4 hole scores 4 giving them a net 3; for this the player receives 3 points. A player at a par 3 hole scores a 4 but does not receive a stroke; for this the player would receive 1 point.


Players who exceed their own par by two strokes score no points for the hole and, since they cannot improve on that result, they should pick up their ball. (Unless a novelty prize is available).

At the end of the round all points scored are added up and the player having the highest number of points is the winner.

When marking the scorecard, the number of strokes taken must always be shown for holes where points are scored. Thus, the card records both strokes and points.

Stableford - Aggregate Pairs
This is a pair's event. The two Stableford scores are added together to create a team score on a hole-by-hole basis. For example, if one of the partners scores 3 points and the other scores 2 the result is 5.

Stableford - Russian Stableford
This is a pair's event. The two Stableford scores are multiplied together to create a team score on a hole-by-hole basis. For example, if one of the partners scores 3 points and the other scores 2 the result is 6, but if one player scores 2 and the other wipes the hole the result is 0 or a wipe for the pairing. In effect both players must score on each hole, even 3 x 1 is 3 points scored.

Stableford - Split Secret Stableford
Players play in groups of two, three or four and play in different groups, and the scores for each group is tallied at the end of the round. The Captain shall determine the groupings and players usually do not know their playing partners until the end.

Where odd numbers are entered the captain will nominate players to play in two groups. i.e. eleven players play in a three man competition  (three groups of 3 plus 2 players) there would be two players without a third so the captain will allocate any player from a current group to also play in that group, making up four groups of three players. The selected player is eligible to win in both groups.

Stableford 4's Split sixes.
Teams play Individual Stableford as a team, based on their individual handicaps, the first six holes (1-6) the best two players score is added together (other scores are ignored), the next six holes (7-12) the best three scores are added together (the other score is ignored) and last six holes (13-18) all four Stableford scores are added. Team with the highest score wins. (The sequence can be reversed i.e. 4, 3 then last 6 holes = 2 player scores).

Players record the number of strokes taken at each hole and total them up at the end of a given round, or rounds. The player with the lowest total is the winner.

In handicap competitions, the player would subtract their handicap from the total (gross) score to generate their net score, and the player with the lowest net score is the winner. Additional winners can also be for best Gross score.

Stroke Maximum Score
Players whom cannot finish a hole, i.e. for a lost ball/s or ball lost in the rough or too many shots in a bunker can declare a maximum score for that hole and keep playing in the round, the maximum scores are Par 3 = 7, Par 4 = 8 and Par 5 = 9. You must declare that you are entering a maximum score for that hole and enter the appropriate score.

Stroke Putts (Novelty)
Players play normal Stroke, but add the number of putts on each green to their score.

Stroke - Match play
Match play is a hole-by-hole contest; think of it as 18 one-hole contests. The winner is the player who wins the most holes. When a player is more holes up than there are holes remaining to play, he wins. This means that matches can end before the 18th hole or they can go beyond 18 until a winner is decided. Match play even allows for ties. In those cases, a halved match results in each team being awarded a half point.

Stroke - 4 Ball Stroke (2 Players)
All four players play their own ball throughout; For example, Players A and B form one team, at the end of each hole, the low score between the two partners on each team is that team's score.

i.e. two players: player A on an 18 handicaps and player B on a 9 handicap. At each hole the player's handicap for that hole is calculated, the player with the lowest score records the result.

Play at hole 1 with a course rating of 11 player A scores a 5 which with his extra shot on handicap for that hole would score a net 4, Player B has a 5 but does not get a shot so his score would be 5 with no handicap = net 5 so player A's score of 4 will count as it is the lowest score.

Stroke - Penalty Putts (No eclectic)
Players record the number of strokes taken at each hole then adds the number of putts taken at that hole and records the total. i.e. a player scores a 5 on a par 5 and has 2 putts the net score is 7. A player scores 4 on a par 4 but has no putts (i.e. chips in) the player scores a 4.  At the end of a given round, or rounds, the player with the lowest total is the winner.

In handicap competitions, the player would subtract their handicap from the total (gross plus putts) score to generate their net score, and the player with the lowest net score is the winner.

SCUD'S TRI-GOLF    (No eclectic) Each player plays 18 holes
6 holes of Stroke, 6 holes of Stableford and 6 holes of Par in any group order.
Each player must nominate the game that he wishes to play prior to teeing off on the 1st, 7th and 13th tees



7. Club Members Badge

7.1 Club Members Badge All members will be issued with a members bag tag, which should be displayed on the golf bag.

7.2 Club Members Badge Life members will be issued with a special members bag tag, which should be displayed on the golf bag.

8. Club Shirt

8.1 Club Shirt - The White Club shirt is to be worn for all games, players are required to purchase the official white club shirt upon successful application for membership. Shirts are substantially discounted for members and include the club logo.

8.2 Home Games For home club games the white, navy, light blue or international or interstate tour shirts may be worn.

9. General (To be read in conjunction with course rules)

9.1 Preferred Lie, shall be taken in accordance with the course rules, for Scuds Golfers on the fairway, this is one club length, no nearer the hole.  

9.2 Bunkers Shall be played as the ball lies, unless the bunker is damaged, or the ball is in a shoe imprint, animal scratching or water, after agreement with your marker, it may be smoothed and placed.

9.3 Slow Play The lowest handicapper in each group shall ensure that the group maintains its place in the field behind the group in front. Slow groups or groups searching for lost ball should immediately call the other group through.

9.4 Honour Players should play when ready at the next tee off; the group should maintain its place in the field irrespective of whose honour to play.

9.5 Combined games Players paired in combined games, where a player does not have a partner (i.e. pairs, playing in a group of 3), The lowest handicap player will combine with each player to form two groups of pairs.

9.6 Dress Code Players should comply with the dress code standard at each course played.

9.7 Blue Tees At Whaleback members will play off blue tees, members over 64 with a handicap over 20 may play off white tees if they wish, ladies may play off red tees. For away games member will play off white visitors tees, unless advised otherwise.

9.8 Maximum Scores Players whom cannot finish a hole i.e. lost ball/s or ball lost in the rough, or too many shots in a bunker can declare a maximum score for that hole and keep playing in the round, the maximum scores are Par 3 = 7, Par 4 = 8, Par 5 = 9. You must declare that you are entering a maximum score for that hole and enter the appropriate score. Putting is counted as 3 putts and the maximum playing handicap allowed is 36.




Scuds Social Golf Club Inc.
By Laws 2023
Updated at the AGM 5th December 2022









Contact captain

Keith Mann

Mobile:  0414 751 850

Email: knmann76@gmail.com


email us: scudsgolf@westnet.com.au



SCUD - A missile with a range of approximately 300 km  used by Iraq in the Iran-Iraq War and in the Gulf Wars about the 1990's often with erratic and inaccurate flight paths and direction. Perfectly suited to our members ability at golf.

Page updated: 26th January 2023