







Here are the Games we play and how to play them

Welcome to season 2023 our 32nd year

An explanation of the trophies and competitions (see also the web site competitions)

Club Champion 6 games played
This week we start with the first Monthly Medal round these are played each month and include the Club Championship rounds in March, April, May, June, July and August, the best three rounds in the Club Championship dates will be use to calculate A, B and C grade Champions, therefore the minimum rounds you need to play will be three to be included as Club Champion, and your handicap in December will determine which grade you are competing for.

Monthly Medal – 12 games played
Stroke (each month January to December) – may also include Club Championship rounds
Stroke play – 12 winners, each to receive a medal or special day prize.
Winners of each monthly medal will play in The Champion of Champions Trophy in January in the following year.

Touring Pro Trophy Minimum 9 games played

We play at least nine away games and each winner receives a medal at the presentation night -  the best four away scores are averaged for all players to determine the best performed Touring Pro Trophy winner, so you need to play four of these away games to qualify.

The Richard Kuzimski Par Record Trophy 6 games played
Richard Kuzimski known as Uncle Dick passed away a few years ago but he was an excellent person and impressive golfer, this trophy has been created by his son Adam as a tribute to an exceptional par scored at Whaleback
Richard Kuzimski (5 handicap) scored a magnificent plus 11 Par round  on the 15th August 2015 with a Gross Stroke Score of 65 (net 60) a club record and -11 also a club record.

The best-performed player (best averaged three (3) Par rounds), will receive The Richard Kuzimski Memorial Trophy.

Match Play (Whaleback does not have a Match Play Index) 

Match play (Captain vs Treasurer Teams) modified rules,
Handicap strokes are given by hole, and the lower net score wins the hole at 1 point per hole. If players have two shots on handicap winning by two or more shots will only count as a 1 point win. Match play is a hole-by-hole contest; think of it as 18 one-hole contests. The winner is the player who wins the most holes. When a player is more holes up than there are holes remaining to play, he wins. This means that matches can end before the 18th hole;  if the players are tied at the completion of the 18th hole, a halved match is declared and each team is awarded a half point.

The biggest possible margin of victory in a golf match is 10 & 8, winning all ten holes and rendering the remaining eight pointless.

The maximum would be 10 up = the result would be won 10:8 (the winning score is always recorded first)

We play one v’s one using the course index against our club handicap, i.e. (Playing hole 17 index 1 par 4): if player one has 1 stroke on the hole and his opponent has 2 strokes on the hole.

If player one on this par 4 hole scores a 6 net 5 and his opponent scores a 7 net 5 then the hole is halved. Awarding of 1 point is based only on winning a hole.

However if player one scores a 5 net 4 and opponent scores a 7 net 5 then player one wins 1 point.

However some changes to the rules apply.

  1. 1.    You may not tap in at any time! or putt if your opponent is further from the hole than you. You MUST wait until the furthest player has played, unless the hole has been conceded.
  2. 2.    Playing in front of tee markers, is no penalty however your opponent has the right to and may ask you to play the shot again.
  3. 3.    Hitting a golf ball is no penalty but you opponent may replace the ball moved but you must play the ball where it finishes.


In match play only, you may decide to concede a stroke to your opponent if you consider your chance to win or tie is lost. The opponent’s ball is considered holed and your opponent may pick it up. You may also concede a hole, or the entire match at any time. A concession cannot be declined or withdrawn. You may putt out if you wish to do so even if you concede.

Match Play: So what then is match play? Match play is a hole-by-hole game where the lowest score wins the hole. If I shoot a five, and you shoot an eight, then in medal play I should gain three strokes. However, in match play I only win one point (no matter how many strokes better I played the hole). If the players tie the hole, it is 'halved' (no one wins a point). Once we are finished the golfer with the most points wins. If it is tied the match is declared halved.

As there is no Match Play index at Whaleback we play using our hole by hole handicap but awarding only 1 point for a win and a half a point for a tied hole.

Players may win by having more points that their opponent, and some matches may finish if one player is leading by more points that there are holes left to play i.e. a player 5 up with 4 holes to play wins 5 & 4. Players may still play out the competition if they wish to do so.

Handicap rates the difficulty of each hole (1 being the hardest, 18 the easiest) as per the card index for the course being played.


Base Games
The base games for golf usually include
Stroke, Stableford and Par

So we add some novelty games to the season to make our fixtures flexible and varied

We do play rounds of Stroke and Stableford but here are some other games…

Some novelty games may not be played each year and some novelty games like Ambrose 4’s may be played at an away venue

Ambrose 4’s usually pick your own team (PP) and we play about 3 of these each year
Ambrose pairs  usually drawn teams (DP) and we play about 2 of these each year.

We created a new novelty game called Tri-Golf  where you play
SCUD’S TRI-GOLF     Each player plays 18 holes
                                    6 holes of Stroke
                                    6 holes of Stableford
                                    6 holes of Par
Each player must nominate the game that he wishes to play prior to teeing off on the 1st, 7th and 13th tees

We play 4 Club golf once each year, where you are only allowed to use 4 clubs

Aggregate  Stableford (Eclectic may be allowed)
The net scores are determined by adding the individual scores of the Team members. Where single players are entered the captain will nominate a player in the other group with the lowest handicap to play in two groups. The selected player is eligible to win in both groups. (see 9.5)

Russian Stableford (Eclectic may be allowed)
This is a pairs event. The two  Stableford scores are multiplied together to create a team score on a hole by hole basis. For example, if one of the partners scores 3 points and the other scores 2 the result is 6, but if one player scores 2 and the other wipes the hole the result is 0 or a wipe for the pairing. In effect both players must score on each hole, even 3 x 1 is 3 points scored.

Split Stableford (Pairs)
Players play in pairs off normal handicap, the best score on each hole from either player is recorded for the team event, Handicap and Eclectic allowed, so players also record individual scores.

Stableford – Split (Secret) Stableford (Eclectic may be allowed)
Players play normal Stableford, But players play in groups of two, three or four and play in different groups, and the scores for each group is tallied at the end of the round. The Captain shall determine the groupings and players usually do not know their playing partners until the end.  Where odd numbers are entered the captain will nominate players to play in two groups. The selected player is eligible to win in both groups. (see By-Law 9.5)

Stableford Split Sixes Competition (4 Person event)
(Eclectic may be allowed)
Teams of four players each play their own shots throughout, but the first six holes the two best Stableford scores are added, the next six holes the best three Stableford scores are added and the last six holes all four Stableford scores are added. At the end the highest team total is the winner.

4 Ball Stroke (2 Players)
Both  players play their own ball throughout; For example, Players A and B form one team, at the end of each hole, the low score between the two partners on each team is that team's score.
Where single players are entered (see rule 9.5). Players must enter all stroke scores for every hole.
i.e. two players: player A on an 18 handicap and player B on a 9 handicap. At each hole the player’s handicap for that hole is calculated, the player with the lowest score records the result.

Starts January runs till December and each stroke scored is recorded apart from some novelty games and the best performed players in A, B and C grade are awarded the Eclectic trophies.

Golden Balls
The best-performed (improved) player based on the difference in handicap for the year.
Note:  Not open to new members joining after April 1st that year, because the initial handicap will require an adjustment after eight (8) games played or because of Golf Link handicap adjustments that require twenty (20) games applied to determine a correct handicap. To qualify you must play 30 or more games.

 more details below


Course Rating CCR, DSR or Slope

Course Rating: Each Golf course has a Calculated Course Rating (CCR), Daily Scratch Rating (DSR) or can be rated on a Slope system,  which roughly translated means the golf course sets a score on how difficult the course would be for a scratch golfer on zero (0), this is known as the par score for that course, whatever you score is the Gross score.

If you have a handicap then you add the handicap to the CCR to see how many shots you personally should be taking. i.e. a course CCR of 71 a person on a 15 handicap would expect to complete the round in 86 shots. A person on a 20 handicap would expect to score 91 and that is their par for that course. You deduct your handicap from the total (Gross) you actually scored to get your Net score.

Course Hole Rating
The course rates holes, giving each hole an index:- index 1 is the hardest, index 18 the easiest, based on the difficulty of each of the 18 holes. Handicaps can range from 0 to 36, a player on 18 would get 1 shot on each hole. The better the player the lower the handicap.

A players handicap is calculated by deducting 18 from their handicap, a player on 22 handicap would have plus 4 which means they get one (1) shot on every hole plus 2 shots on the four hardest holes. This means that the player would get 2 shots for the 1st , 2nd,  3rd  and 4th hardest holes (Index 1, 2, 3 and 4). A player on less than 18 say on a 13 handicap would have a -5 this means that the player would not get shots on the 5 easiest holes on the golf course, 18, 17, 16, 15, and 14.

Stroke Club Competitions

Stroke Club Trophy

Players record the number of strokes taken at each hole and total them up at the end of a given round, or rounds as their Gross score. The player with the lowest Gross total is the winner. In this competition players also play for least number of putts.

In handicap competitions, the player would subtract their handicap from the total (Gross) score to generate their net score, and the player with the lowest net score is the winner. Additional winners can also be for best Gross score.

Club Championship A, B and C Grade

To be played on Monthly Medal days, over five rounds,
March, April, May, June and July. Best three net score cards to count for each grade

Monthly Medal

Played each month January to December Note: may include Club Championship

Special Memorial Days



January Monthly Memorial Medal Wayn Reid (3/1/2010) Medal
May Monthly Memorial Medal Keith Rimmer (31/5/2006) Medal
June Monthly Memorial Medal Peter Osborne (30/6/2009) Medal
October Monthly Memorial Medal Richard Kuzimski  (4/10/2016) Medal
December Monthly Memorial Medal Pentti Makinen (29/12/2015) Medal

There is a Club Championship for "A" Grade (1-12) , "B" Grade (13-21) and "C" Grade (above 22)

Champion of Champions

Played on the January Monthly Medal Stroke day  Normal Monthly Medal rules apply.
The previous 12 Monthly Medal winners (January to December) are the only players entitled to compete for the Champion of Champion's Cup (plus the previous years Champion of Champion's Cup winner who is entitled to defend the cup). (Possibly 13 players).
The Champion of Champion's Cup winner will have the best score of all 13 eligible players.

Ambrose 2, 3 or 4's Stroke

(No handicap calculated for Golf Link or Eclectic)
This event can be played as a two, three or four-person event, although the four-person event is the most popular. Each player plays a tee shot at each hole.  The Captain then selects the best drive, which is then marked by its owner.  The other members retrieve their balls and in turn place their ball on the fairway (one club length no nearer the hole, or if in the rough, drop in the rough within one club-length of the selected position (no nearer the hole) and play their second shots).  If in a bunker smooth and place. This procedure of selecting the best position continues until a ball is holed.  When on the green, balls are placed on the selected marked spot until holed.

This event can be played as a gross event, the Club Captain will determine the number of drives per team, with each group having a spread of handicaps, or as a handicap event where a fraction of the aggregate handicaps is used.  The most common method of determining handicap is:
Two-person event one quarter of aggregate stroke handicap;
Three-person event one sixth of aggregate handicap; 
Four-person event one eighth  of stroke handicap.

Ambrose 3 or 4's Stroke - Star Player

(No handicap calculated for Golf Link or Eclectic)
This event can be played as a three or four-person event, although the four-person event is the most popular. Each player plays a tee shot at each hole.  The Captain then selects the best drive, which is then marked by its owner. The owner of that shot (Star Player) may not play the next shot. But will be eligible to play the following shot. The other members retrieve their balls and in turn place their ball on the fairway (one club length no nearer the hole, or if in the rough, drop in the rough within one club-length of the selected position (no nearer the hole) and play their second shots).  Whoever ball is now selected a new Star Player is the player that DOES NOT PLAY THE NEXT SHOT. Except on the green where ALL players may play. (Note: Some variations of this applies the Star Player condition to the green also)

If in a bunker smooth and place. This procedure of selecting the best player (Star Player) continues until a ball is on the green or holed.  When on the green, balls are placed on the selected marked spot until holed.

This event can be played as a gross event, the Club Captain will determine the number of drives per team, with each group having a spread of handicaps, or as a handicap event where a fraction of the aggregate handicaps is used.  The most common method of determining handicap is:

Three-person event one sixth of aggregate handicap; 
Four-person event one eighth  of stroke handicap.

4 Ball Stroke (2 Players)

Four Ball Better-Ball (4BBB) - Four Ball is a match between two teams of two players (a total of four balls being played, hence the name) against each other using better-ball scoring. ... Both players play their own ball throughout; For Scuds this competition is played against all competing teams with the lowest score of all 2 player teams being declared the winners.

For example, Players A (handicap 18) and B (Handicap 5) form one team, at the end of each hole, the low score between the two partners on each team is that team's score. i.e. Playing at hole 1 with a course rating of 11 player A scores a 5 which with his extra shot on handicap for that hole would score a net 4, Player B has a 5 but does not get an extra shot so his score would be 5 = net 5 so player A's score of net 4 will count as it is the lowest score.

The easiest way to calculate this is to use your Stableford hole by hole handicap, if you get 1 extra shot for that hole then deduct that from your gross score (as above if player A gets a shot on a par 4 that hole is gross 5 so if player A scores a 4 (in Stableford 4 for 3 pts) then the net score for that player is a 4)

Match play (Captain vs Treasurer Teams)
Match play is a hole-by-hole contest; think of it as 18 one-hole contests. The winner is the player who wins the most holes. When a player is more holes up than there are holes remaining to play, he wins. This means that matches can end before the 18th hole or they can go beyond 18 until a winner is decided. Match play even allows for ties. In those cases, a halved match results in each team being awarded a half point. Usually played as Captain's Team v's Treasurer's Team

Stableford - Wipe Out

Players play normal stableford round but for each wiped hole they contribute 50c to the club competition, a player wipes four holes in his round pays $5.00 into the kitty (Can be used for fund raisers), Captain will call the penalty.

Stroke - Penalty Putts (No eclectic)
Players record the number of strokes taken at each hole then adds the number of putts taken at that hole and records the total. i.e. a player scores a 5 on a par 5 and has 2 putts the net score is 7. A player scores 4 on a par 4 but has no putts (i.e. chips in) the player scores a 4 and If a player has had no putts they deduct 2 shots off their score.  At the end of a given round, or rounds, the player with the lowest total is the winner.

In handicap competitions, the player would subtract their handicap from the total (gross plus putts) score to generate their net score, and the player with the lowest net score is the winner.

Stableford club competitions

Involves scoring points based on results at each hole. Using the index for each hole, players are able to make a mental allocation of their full handicap for each of the 18 holes. For example, a player on a handicap of 18 will add one shot to the par value of each hole to determine their own par for the hole. Thus a hole rated as a par 4 becomes a par 5 for the player.

The points scoring method is then calculated by allocating two points for a par, one point for one over, three points for one under, four points for two under, and so on

1 over  handicap

= 1 pt


= 2 pts

1 under

= 3 pts

2 under

= 4 pts

3 under

= 5 pts  etc.

Players who exceed their own par by two strokes score no points for the hole and, since they cannot improve on that result, they should pick up their ball. (Unless a novelty prize is available).

When marking the scorecard, the number of strokes taken must always be shown for holes where points are scored. Thus, the card records both strokes and points. At the end of the round all points scored are added up and the player having the highest number of points is the winner.

Aggregate  Stableford (2 Player or 4 player) (Eclectic may be allowed)
The net score is determined by adding together the individual scores of the Team members. (Points scored  1, 3 , 3 & 0 for 4 players = 7 points aggregate)

Russian Stableford (Eclectic may be allowed)

Russian Stableford
This is a pairs event. The two  stableford scores are multiplied together to create a team score on a hole by hole basis. For example, if one of the partners scores 3 points and the other scores 2 the result is 6, but if one player scores 2 and the other wipes the hole the result is 0 or a wipe for the pairing. In effect both players must score on each hole, even 3 x 1 is 3 points scored.

Stableford Split Stableford (Eclectic may be allowed)
Players play in teams of two, three or four and play in different groups, and the scores for each team is tallied at the end of the round. The Captain shall determine the groupings and players usually do not know their playing partners until the end.

Where odd numbers are entered the captain will nominate a player (lowest handicap) to play in two groups. The selected player is eligible to win in both groups.

Touring Pro Award (Stableford)

2021 Venues

Caramar, Marri Park, Pinjarra, Araluen, Hillview, The Vines, Meadow Springs, Marangaroo, Secret Harbour

Played at away games, the best four scores to count (Note: Araluen (when played) is also for the Bob Williams Trophy)

Split Stableford Sixes Competition (4 Person event)
Teams of four players each play their own shots throughout, but the first six holes the two best Stableford scores are added, the next six holes the best three Stableford scores are added and the last six holes all four Stableford scores are added. At the end the highest team total is the winner.
Stableford Pairs (2 Player) Best Score
Both  players play their own ball throughout; For example, Players A and B form one team, at the end of each hole, the high score from either of the two partners on each team is that team's score.
The net score is determined by selecting  the best individual score of either of the Team members. i.e. on one hole,   player A scores 1 point, Player B scores  3 points =  result is 3 points (best score) continue adding the best score by either player for each hole, highest Stableford score is the winner.

SW Country Trip Trophy (Stableford)

Usually played first week in December - Friday, Saturday & Sunday - (Handicapped for Saturday only)

Dunsborough Lakes, Caple, Margaret River, Busselton, Bunbury or The Sanctuary

Par (Bogey)

This competition challenges players to beat their own handicap par. If players better their par, they score a + (plus) for the hole. If players equal their own par, they are said to have halved or squared the hole which is scored with an O. If par is not achieved, a - (minus) sign is recorded. At the end of the round the plus and minus signs are added and the net result written in as so many up, down or all square. Player with the highest plus score is the winner.

Par Plus Plus Rewards

As in "par" but handicap strokes are added for ALL scores better than par, i.e. birdies and eagles, a player on 18 handicap playing a Par 5 hole with 2 shots would normally get a par for a 7 (square) or plus for a 6. BUT if the player achieves a 5 would score +1 plus an extra plus so for that hole to score a +2. For a score of 4 would score a plus +3 for that hole etc. This applies to all holes played and - (minus) scores are deducted for + (plus) scores to determine the total score for that round.

Par Bisque
As in "par" but handicap strokes may be taken as a player decides, up to the maximum of his handicap. The decision about the number of handicap strokes to take at each hole and the resultant score is made at the end of each hole and before play on the next hole is commenced.
i.e. A player on an 18 handicap scores a 5 on a par 4 hole resulting in a square (halved) but he may elect to use two handicap strokes to score a + (plus) for the hole, 5 less 2 shots = a  3 as a + (plus) for the hole. The trick is not to use up too many handicap shots before completing the round.

Par Champion (Richard Kuzimski Memorial Trophy)

                  The best-performed player (best averaged three (3) Par rounds), will receive The Richard Kuzimski Par Memorial Trophy.


In all club rounds we play for six novelty prizes, usually three on each nine: these may include any of the following: Nearest the pin (par 3's), Nearest 2nd Shot (par 4's), Longest Any Putt, Least number of putts. The Captain determines which holes to use on the day.

Below are other novelty games that may be included in the fixtures.

Four (4) Club Event Stableford (Ken Dalis Trophy)

Players may only carry and use four clubs of their own choosing


Players play six holes as Stroke, six holes as Stableford and six holes as par. Holes are played consecutively in blocks of six. Each player must nominate the game that he wishes to play prior to teeing off on the 1st, 7th and 13th tees

SCUDS TRI-GOLF     Each player plays 18 holes
                                                      6 holes of Stroke
                                                      6 holes of Stableford
                                                      6 holes of Par

Example of scoring system
Player on an 18 Handicap
Stroke Score (6 Holes)    
Deduct 1/3 handicap 

(18 handicap)

Deduct Stableford score

Sub total

score (6 Holes) 12 pts scored



Sub total

Add a - Par score  (6 Holes) or
Subtract +Par score 


TOTAL  (The Lowest score is the winner)



Is included on all regular club rounds (excluding away games, novelty and some combination rounds).

Played during February 1st to December 31st.
Prizes are awarded in grade order based on the member's final Eclectic score divided by the member's average handicap for that season (Lowest to Highest). Three grade winners are available:  A Grade, B Grade and C Grade. (Players moving i.e. from C Grade to B Grade etc. will play in the grade level as at December 31st of each year).

Optional Clubs

Members may join the Birdie Club at any time during the season late fee is $5.00

Punters Club

Player pay $5 per week and each player is selected to place bets in turn, a winning bet above the stake will let you bet again.

Winners Club

Players pay $5 each and the club member winner scoops the pool.


A Hole-in-One achieved by a Club member at any Club fixture or official GolfWA event will be awarded the prize of $200. The club will replace the prize pool, if there is more than one winner each season.

Eagles Nest

Any unclaimed prizes and some donated prizes make up the Eagles Nest, players achieving an Eagle must claim the nest on the day. This prize may be shared on the day if two or more Eagles are recorded.

We play approximately
5 Par Rounds,
14 Stroke Rounds,
15 Stableford Rounds and
17 Novelty Rounds
plus Club Championship
for "A"(1-12) , "B" (13-21) and "C" Grades (above 22)


Playing only Positive Bits (Only positive bits score) (usually 10c Bits)
1     Bit        One putt
1     Bit        Regie - Par 3 Green nearest
1     Bit        Regie - Par 4 Green in regulation
1     Bit        Regie - Par 5  Green in regulation
1     Bit        Plus - A handicap 3 pointer or better
1     Bit        Win - If you win the hole on handicap
Playing for Bits                   Positive bits plus all other Bits (bit scary)
1     Bit        Winning the toss
1     Bit        Fairway - Drive in the fairway
1     Bit        Lone Ranger - only one in the group with a drive on the fairway (see also 3 bits)
1     Bit        Lone Ranger - only one in the group on green in regulation (see also 3 bits)
1     Bit        Ferrett - Chip in or putt from off the green
1     Bit        Sandy - Up and down from a bunker
1     Bit        Seve - A par after missing the fairway on the drive
1     Bit        Albatross, Eagle or Birdie
1     Bit        Perch - on the perch (tee) from winning the last hole (Continues till other team wins a hole)
1     Bit        Flaggie - A putt longer than the length of the flag stick
1     Bit        Pinny - Hit the pin from off the green but does not go in.

2     Bits       Fairway Longest - Fairway plus Longest drive in the fairway
2     Bits       Green in regulation, plus Lone Ranger
2     Bits       Par 3  Green in regulation and Nearest the pin
2     Bits       Any  Green in regulation, plus Lone ranger
2     Bits       Crenshaw - A birdie after missing the fairway on the drive  
2     Bits       Pinny Ferret - Hit the pin from off the green and it goes in.
2     Bits       Scrotum - partners balls land within a club length of each other  (fairway or green)
2     Bits       Sandy Ferret - Ball in direct from bunker

3     Bits       Fairway, plus Longest drive on the fairway, plus Lone ranger
3     Bits       Par 3  Green in regulation, plus Nearest the pin, plus Lone ranger
3     Bits       Quinella any combination of both (You can also have a quinella of quinellas!)
3     Bits       Quinella fairways (both partners land on fairway)
3     Bits       Quinella one putts (Both partners have one putt)
Playing for Bits  Negative Bits (Loss of bit or addition to opposition)
-1    Bit        Snake - Three putt
-1    Bit        South American (One More Revolution) - putt stops centimetres (width of ball) from cup
-1    Bit        Dummy Spit - Throwing clubs - Stupid Act etc. May also have club fines in place.
-2    Bits      4 putt is also known as A Crown lager (to partner)
-1    Bit        A Hitler - One in the bunker (Ball stays in bunker)
One fluffed shot in the bunker
-2    Bits      An Eva - Two in the bunker (Next shot stays in bunker)
two or more (-3, -4  etc) fluffed shots in the bunker
-2    Bits      A Herman (Goering) - Flies from one bunker into another bunker
Jackpots & Lunatics
Nearest the pin on par 3s - Jackpots if everyone misses.
Amount per hole                  i.e. $2.00 - $5.00 per hole (jack potting skins style)
Double Up (each hole)         Set amount - can be doubled by anyone if the think they have a
(Note can be very expensive)   winning shot  (Drive or Iron) ball must be in the air when double is called - no double on green. Must win the hole outright. - Can jackpot!
Overall match-play result    Set amount - Winner gets winnings or is shouted first round of drinks
Putting Mania:                      Players place $10, $20, $50 onto a selected hole on practice putting green first to sink the putt collects all - however players can be distracted when putting (by others waving towels, calling out, shouting) Putt should be some distance away.
Press:                    That's when you're so far behind you concede the bet and double it for the holes that remain.
Aloha press:          In which you press everything on winning the last hole.
Maiden:                  Drive off tee does not reach ladies tee (Jug of beer for group)


Golf Made Interesting (From the club handicapper)

Interest - (having an interest in the game)

In the States (USA) an (interest) bet is called a Nassau. This consisted of a three-part bet: A given amount is wagered on the front nine, the back nine and the total score. The bet was named for New York's Nassau Country Club, where it's said to have originated.  It sometimes leads to a 'press'. That's when you're so far behind you concede the bet and double it for the holes that remain. There's even an 'aloha press', in which you press everything on the last hole.

Playing as partners can make your golf game interesting, if all are willing to play - normally all four balls are collected and tossed into the air - the nearest two are partners and have won the toss and tee off first (if they so choose).

They play as partners and whoever wins the hole individually wins that hole for their team  i.e. Fred and Peter play John and Ian

Par 4 Hole 1 = Fred has a 5 for 2 Peter has a 6 for 1 and John has a 4 for 3 and Ian has a 5 for 2 off handicap - then John has won the hole for his team. The same applies for PAR (Bogey) or Stroke. Whoever wins the hole scores a 1 (win) for that hole for their team.

If the hole is halved it is a zero for each team. 

Tally up how many holes you have won to see who wins the front nine, back nine and overall match.

A given amount is wagered on the front nine, the back nine and the total score. i.e. $2.00 for the nines and $3.00 winners so if you win the front nine and the back nine you are overall winners and collect ($2.00 + $2.00 +$3.00) = $7.00 (or whatever you have wagered) However if you lose one nine and win the other nine, it is this nine $2.00 plus whoever won overall, ($2.00 + $3.00 = $5.00) If one or both nines is halved  then the overall winners collect $3.00 unless of course the scores are even. Then nobody wins





YOU would be most welcome.  


Contact captain

Keith Mann

Mobile:  0414 751 850

Email: knmann76@gmail.com


email us: scudsgolf@westnet.com.au








SCUD - A missile with a range of approximately 300 km  used by Iraq in the Iran-Iraq War and in the Gulf Wars about the 1990's often with erratic and inaccurate flight paths and direction. Perfectly suited to our members ability at golf.

Page updated: 7th January 2022