








General Tips

Programming for success.

1. Good players rehearse their swing, then address the ball with only positive thoughts, thinking about what they want to do, not what they don’t want to do.

2. Limit practice work to training sessions, you should know that changing swing thoughts have no place on the course. P.S. A good practice idea - on odd dates practice only odd numbered clubs, and on even dates....even numbered clubs.

3. Full-swing problems? Don’t go full then. Grip down on the handle a centimetre or two, narrow your stance slightly and make a smooth swing, cutting off your finish when your hands reach shoulder height, you’ll lose only a half club (at most!) in distance. Expect a flatter ball flight but, ironically, one that’s easier to control than an all-out effort.

4. A low-fade tee ball? Even on an off day, you can score as long as you’re still hitting fairways. Here’s a trick: Grip down and tee the ball so that all of it sits below the edge of the crown. With this setup, you’ll better manage side spin. The ball will fade a bit and fly lower, but, if you aim accordingly, it’ll end up in the short stuff.



5. Calculate your wedge distance and chart it, knowing how far you carry each of your wedges with your everyday full swing. Also include1/2 and 3/4 quarter swing distance, Practice on the driving range and record at least 10 shots of each. Sample chart below Download a Club Distance Chart

Wedge distance in metres Full 3/4 1/2
9 Iron 120 100 90
Pitching Wedge 100 80 60
Sand Wedge 80 60 50
Flop Wedge 60 degree 50 40 30
Wedge 56 degree      

6. Good players look at the distance from the fringe to the hole and base their landing spot from there. Best to use an example. Say there’s 30 feet(10 metres) between the edge of the fringe and the cup. Good chippers will cut that distance in three parts, planning to land the ball 10 feet (3 metres) on, then rolling it an extra (6 metres). Ten feet (3 Metres) is the target in this scenario, not the full 30 (10) . Once you get your head around this relationship, more of your chips will end up in tap-in range.

7. Aim for where you normally land a shot is it (left or right etc.) do not aim for the pin if you hit left or right, when flags are in like normal, most golfers automatically aim for the pin. Big mistake Aim for a spot left or right of where-you normally land a ball. If you are straight, great if not play the safety and go for the middle-or use your shaped shot to land in the middle, I normally hit to the right of greens so I adjust my shot accordingly.




Head steady over ball,

blade square to hole,

keep blade moving toward hole,

avoid excessive backs-wing

place two golf tees side-by-side and 6cm apart, lined up perpendicular to the target. Place a golf ball between the tees, and put your putter behind the ball. There should be .5 cm between the toe of your putter and the golf tee, as well as .5 cm between the heel of your putter and the other golf tee.

Practice putting straight putts from 3 metres on a level lie, making short strokes between the two tees. Your putter’s face should be on the same angle as the perpendicular line of the golf tees. The tees should help “square the face” to the target line.


For short putts Use your toe as a guide, on your swing back take the putter only to your big toe on rear foot, keep this swing distance every time and see how far and straight the ball runs. This builds confidence with short putts.

putter gate
Clock putting, move around a pin with balls from at least four sides
putter clock
Ladder speed (distance) drill

Place a golf tee 1 metre from the cup, 2 metre from the cup, and 3 metre from the cup, all on the same putting line. Place three golf balls at each tee, and start with the shorter distance.

Treat each distance as a “station,” making sure you don’t leave until sinking three in a row from each spot. Once you make all three 3 metre putts in a row, you’re finished.

This putting exercise will help you to get a feel for each distance on the putting green,


Lag practice drill

Place 12 golf balls on the practice green, 8 metres from the cup. Go through your pre-shot putting routine for each shot, and roll all 12 putts to the cup.

After the first round of 12 putts, evaluate whether you hit the majority of them too long, too short or off-line.

Go back to the starting point and reset the balls again. Aim towards the same hole, going through the same process as above.

After 24 putts, evaluate again. Note if you did better the second time.


Side hill lie feet below ball

Open stance,

use shorter grip:

Aim to right,

play off right foot



Side hill lie feet above the ball

Stand Closer to the ball,

hands forward of club head,

flex knees,

Aim to Left


Over Trees 8, 9 or Wedge

Play off left foot,

open stance

more weight on right.



Pitch Shot Over Sand to green

Stand closer to ball, feet close together,

Club in line with sternum, more central

Hands slightly in front of ball,

Weight slightly forward on front foot, more on toes than heel.

Open Club face

Swing slightly outside to in at about 75% swing

Under Trees 3, 4, 5 iron

Ball closer to right foot than normal,

club face closed.

under trees

Uphill lie

Closed stance

ball opposite left heel,

aim to right to allow for hook.

Downhill lie

Open Stance,

ball back from left foot

aim to left to allow for slice


Sand Trap good lie, wedge, sand wedge

Very open stance

Set Feet firmly,

play off left foot hit 2" behind the ball,

hit down and through.

Concentrate on hitting the sand out of the bunker onto the green,

do not hit the ball, hit the sand behind the ball and get the sand onto the green!

(if you do this you will always get out)

Sand Trap poor lie

Same as good lie,

for downhill hit further behind the ball,

for uphill lie hit just behind the ball.

bunker stuffed

Persistent Slice or Fade

Club Face rotate hands slightly to the right

play ball back a bit.


Persistent Hook

Move left foot back,

open club-face, rotate hands slightly left,

play ball a bit forward.




Watch your balance in downswing

start with your hips first

hit ball from inside out.


Stand closer to the ball

avoid swaying and excessive head motion throughout.


In The Rough

Use one club number less for same distance on fairway,

firm left hand,

slightly open face.





The SCUDS Social Golf Club was founded in 1991 first playing season February 1992



email us: scudsgolf@westnet.com.au








SCUD - A missile with a range of approximately 300 km  used by Iraq in the Iran-Iraq War and in the Gulf Wars about the 1990's often with erratic and inaccurate flight paths and direction.

Perfectly suited to our members ability at golf.

Page updated: 9th January 2023